Studer A800 2″ 16 Track headstack
Clemens Schleiwies:
I love the sound of 2″ 24 track but even more so I adore the sound of 2″ 16 track! Finally I was able to acquire a 16 track headstack for my Studer A800!
The result is: more dynamic range & less tape hiss!
So the new signal flow for mixing is:
Pro Tools –>Burl Mothership DA –> Studer A800 2″ 16-Track –> Vintage Helios Console –> Telefunken M15 1/2″ Stereo –> LaVry Gold AD
Well – I can’t complain, this signal flow is just sweet sounding!
Rob Stevens
Where did you acquire the 16 track headstack. I am interested in picking one up for my A800 24 track.